How to Activate a Tarot Deck: Step by Step Guide - East Meets West USA

How to Activate a Tarot Deck: Step by Step Guide

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How to Activate a Tarot Deck Welcome to our guide on how to activate your tarot deck! Whether you're a seasoned tarot reader or a beginner, activat...
Crystal Harmonizers Benefits and Guide - East Meets West USA

Crystal Harmonizers Benefits and Guide

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Harmonizers are used to improve the way you feel and to raise your vibration or energy levels. By meditating with Harmonizers you can tap into universal energy and light. Harmonizers can come in a plethora of different crystals but their over all shape essentially stays the same
How to Use Mala Beads for Meditation - East Meets West USA

How to Use Mala Beads for Meditation

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How to Use Mala Beads for Meditation Today, we’re diving into the wonderful world of mala beads—a tool that’s not only spiritually enriching but al...
How to Use Bells for Meditation - East Meets West USA

How to Use Bells for Meditation

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Incorporating meditation bells into your daily routine can deepen your meditation experience, promote relaxation, and enhance overall well-being. Whether you're a seasoned practitioner or new to meditation, exploring the world of meditation bells offers a pathway to profound inner peace and spiritual awakening. Join me on this journey as we discover the transformative power of sacred sounds in meditation
Ammonite Soul Mate Stones: Unveiling the Mystical Connection

Ammonite Soul Mate Stones: Unveiling the Mystical Connection

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Ammonite stones, with their intricate spiral patterns and ancient origins, have long captivated the human imagination. These fossilized remnants of ammonoid cephalopods, which thrived in prehistoric seas millions of years ago, are not only geological marvels but also hold a deep spiritual significance.
Crystal: Nakaurite to Ward off Evil Eye - East Meets West USA

Crystal: Nakaurite to Ward off Evil Eye

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In the realm of crystal lore, few stones possess the captivating allure and protective prowess quite like Blue Naukaurite. With its serene blue hues and reputed metaphysical properties, this tumbled stone has long been associated with shielding against the malevolent gaze of the evil eye.
Powerful Crystals for Your Workspace - East Meets West USA

Powerful Crystals for Your Workspace

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Incorporating crystals into your workplace can significantly enhance your environment, promoting productivity, reducing stress, and fostering a positive atmosphere. Crystals have been used for centuries for their healing properties and energy-boosting capabilities.
Crystals for Spring

Crystals for Spring

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Spring symbolizes a time of rebirth, rejuvenation, and new beginnings. Just as the earth awakens from its winter slumber, we, too, can tap into the energy of renewal. Spring offers us the opportunity to shed what no longer serves us and embrace a fresh perspective on life.
Crystals for Prosperity and Wealth

Crystals for Prosperity

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Crystals for Prosperity In our pursuit of prosperity, we often seek out various tools and techniques to manifest abundance into our lives. One such...
Top 5 Crystal Bracelets

Top 5 Crystal Bracelets

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Top 5 Crystal Bracelets Crystal bracelets offer a subtle yet powerful way to support your well-being and enhance daily life. These stylish accesso...
Cosmic Manifestations: Tapping into Planetary Energies

Cosmic Manifestations: Tapping into Planetary Energies

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Working with Planetary Energies Harnessing the energy associated with each day of the week, especially when considering the planetary influences, i...
How to Use a Crystal Skull - East Meets West USA

How to Use a Crystal Skull

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How to Use a Crystal Skull Crystal skulls are regarded as powerful tools for spiritual growth and transformation. They are thought to amplify an...
Healing Crystals Similar to Moldavite

Healing Crystals Similar to Moldavite

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Properties of Moldavite include, but are not limited to; intense transformation, improved mental health, increased manifestation, good luck, rediscovering your truest self, psychic protection, spiritual connection, removal of "things" that no longer serve you, purging old traumas and emotions while working with the Heart Chakra. You do not need Moldavite to be able to experience these healing properties!

5 Healing Crystals for Transformation (New Beginnings) - East Meets West USA

5 Healing Crystals for Transformation (New Beginnings)

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5 Crystals for Transformation Crystals are powerful conductors of energy with the ability to transform our lives. There are tons of different ston...
Protective Amulets for Friday the 13th

Protective Amulets for Friday the 13th

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Discover powerful protective amulets to ward off negativity on Friday the 13th. Explore talismans, charms, and rituals for spiritual defense and peace of mind
Benefits of Wearing Crystal Jewelry - East Meets West USA

Benefits of Wearing Crystal Jewelry

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Wearing crystal jewelry pieces can help you boost your intentions and put in extra energy for your manifestations. Choose your crystal jewelry as you would choose a stone to work with. You can base it on intuition, a specific manifestation or to simply feel better.
How to Make a Crystal Grid

How to Make a Crystal Grid

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Creating a crystal grid is a powerful way to amplify the energy of your crystals and manifest your intentions. A crystal grid is a layout of crystals arranged in a specific pattern, designed to harness the energy of the stones and create a powerful energy field.
Crystals for Stress Relief - East Meets West USA

Crystals for Stress Relief

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Crystals for Stress Relief Crystals offer a natural approach to stress relief, gently soothing the mind and restoring balance to the body's energy....
How to Use Energy Sprays

How to Use Energy Sprays

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How to Use Energy Sprays In today's fast-paced world, finding moments of tranquility and balance can feel like a challenge. Fortunately, energy ...
Best Crystals for Halloween

Best Crystals for Halloween

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Best Crystals for Halloween History of Halloween The belief that the veil between the physical world and the spirit world is thinnest on Halloween,...
Healing Crystals for Back to School

Healing Crystals for Back to School

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These are all great properties that can help a student thrive in the classroom. These crystals can be kept in a student's locker, backpack, or pocket as they do about their day.
Balance Your Chakras with Crystals

Balance Your Chakras with Crystals

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Balance Your Chakras with Crystals The seven chakras are an essential part of Hindu and yogic philosophy, representing the seven energy centers in ...
Why Pair Tarot & Oracle Decks Together

Why Pair Tarot & Oracle Decks Together

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Did you know that you can enhance your Tarot readings by using an Oracle deck as well? Certain tarot decks will have an Oracle counterpart that are made by the same artist. If you don’t have a matching Oracle and Tarot deck set, you can use whatever decks you resonate with.
Crystal Shape Meanings and How to Use Them

Crystal Shape Meanings and How to Use Them

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Crystal Shape Meanings and How to Use Them Crystals occur in many shapes and sizes and can be cut, polished, tumbled and otherwise shaped by humans...
The 6 Best Crystals for Fertility - East Meets West USA

The 6 Best Crystals for Fertility

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The vibration of Rose Quartz is one of pure love. It is the stone of Universal, unconditional love in all of its varied manifestations. When couples are desperate for a baby, they can become stressed and tense, which unfortunately has a negative effect on their ability to conceive
Benefits of Gua Sha for Face

How to Use a Crystal Gua Sha

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Crystal gua sha is a beauty practice that involves using a crystal tool to massage and stimulate the skin. The practice originated in ancient Chinese medicine and is now gaining popularity as a natural and effective way to improve the appearance and health of the skin.
What Are Orgone (Orgonite) Crystals? - East Meets West USA

What Are Orgone (Orgonite) Crystals?

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Orgone crystals, also known as "orgoneite" or "orgonite," are a type of crystal that is believed to have unique healing properties. Orgone crystals were first developed by Wilhelm Reich, a controversial Austrian psychoanalyst and researcher in the mid-20th century. Reich believed that living orgoneisms possess a life force energy, which he called "orgone.
Five Herbs for Beginner Witches - East Meets West USA

Five Herbs for Beginner Witches

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Five Herbs for Beginner Witches Five Kitchen Herbs That Have Magical Properties Herbal magic has been around for generations and used in many cultu...
How to Use a Pendulum for Fortune Telling - East Meets West USA

How to Use a Pendulum for Fortune Telling

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Pendulums are sensitive to hidden truths and information from the universe and your spiritual soul. Pendulums are used to answers our questions, mostly with "yes" or "no" responses, and can give us better insights to certain circumstances. Trust your intuition and detach yourself from all possible answers in order to remain neutral.
Crystals for a Lunar Eclipse

Crystals for a Lunar Eclipse

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Crystals for a Lunar Eclipse What is a Lunar Eclipse? A lunar eclipse is a phenomenon that occurs during a full moon phase.This occurs when the Ear...

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