How to Activate a Tarot Deck: Step by Step Guide - East Meets West USA

How to Activate a Tarot Deck

Welcome to our guide on how to activate your tarot deck! Whether you're a seasoned tarot reader or a beginner, activating your deck is an important step to establish a personal connection and infuse the cards with your energy. Let's explore various methods to cleanse, energize, and activate your tarot deck, ensuring that it's ready for insightful readings.

Why Activate Your Tarot Deck?

Activating your tarot deck helps to:

  • Remove any residual energies from the manufacturing or previous handling.
  • Establish a personal bond between you and your deck.
  • Set clear intentions for accurate and insightful readings.

Steps to Activate Your Tarot Deck

1. Cleansing the Deck


  • Light a bundle of sage, palo santo, or your favorite incense.
  • Pass each card through the smoke, visualizing any negative or residual energy being cleared away.


  • Place your deck in a container with salt, covering the cards completely.
  • Leave them for a few hours to absorb any unwanted energies.


  • Lay your cards out under the light of a full moon overnight.
  • The moon's energy is believed to cleanse and recharge the cards.

2. Setting Intentions

Hold the deck in your hands, close your eyes, and take a few deep breaths. Set a clear intention for the deck, such as:

  • "I dedicate this deck to providing clear and insightful readings."
  • "May these cards guide me with truth and wisdom."

3. Meditating with the Deck

Spend some quiet time meditating with your tarot deck:

  • Visualize a bright light surrounding the cards, infusing them with positive energy.
  • Meditate on each card individually to build a deeper connection with their imagery and symbolism.

4. Shuffling the Deck

Shuffling is a crucial part of activating your deck:

  • Shuffle the cards thoroughly while focusing on your intention.
  • You can ask for guidance or simply think about your purpose for the readings as you shuffle.

5. Sleeping with the Deck

Some readers choose to sleep with the deck under their pillow or beside their bed for a few nights. This practice can help bond your energy with the deck on a subconscious level, enhancing your connection to it.

6. Daily Draws

Begin using the deck regularly by drawing a card each day:

  • This daily practice helps you become familiar with the deck.
  • Reflect on the card's meaning and how it relates to your day.

7. Personal Rituals

Create a personal ritual or routine that you perform each time you use the deck:

  • Light a candle, say a prayer, or create a sacred space for your readings.
  • Consistency in your ritual can reinforce your connection to the deck.

8. Keeping the Deck in a Special Place

Store your tarot cards in a special place:

  • Use a cloth bag, box, or an altar to keep your deck safe and respected.
  • Treating your deck with care enhances your bond with it.

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