Based on 4133 reviews
Beautiful and Functional

Perfect for meditating! I bought two pairs and gave one to my husband.

Perfect sized stones

I love this 4mm smokey quartz bracelet. I Don't really like bulky bracelets and this is the perfect size and color


It was a gift to a friend and she loved it thank you

These quarts are the perfect size


Simply beautiful. Couldn't be happier with this geode.

Short peach incense

Both the peach and strawberry smell great. They fill the room with a comforting aroma.

Warding a Negative Mirror

So, my room in an old New England boarding house has this beveled mirror. Old mirrors can be a source of negative influence and are likely to have bad memories. I knew for a long time that the mirror needed to be obscured, and when East Meets West offered this Solar Trifecta I ordered almost immediately. The room rapidly quieted. The feminine aspects add some comfort to a lonely old guy like myself. Thank you for the mystical experience.


I love this particular smooth sensoul soothing scent in which I've gotten so many compliments on it. Best buy I did


I love the sweat


im currently going through a really rough breakup and these healing items have really helped me. thank you. they have brought some peace.

Recent Purchases

I recently bought some bracelets and crystals. Absolutely love them all!

Tuning forks and singing bowl.

I absolutely love the tuning forks and singing bowl. I have the third eye singing bowl and it is so cool. It sings beautifully. I have the heart Chakra and throat Chakra tuning forks. They are awesome. I can't wait to complete my collection with the remaining Chakras.


She is more beautiful than in the picture!

Very pleased

Thank you for a great product, I was very pleased with both service and the quality of the product!

Queen Of The Nile Is Amazing!!!

The Vanilla scent used to be my favorite, but it has now been moved to 2nd favorite since I discovered the incredible scent of Queen Of The Nile!! It’s so unique, but wonderfully soft & not overpowering.
Absolutely adore it!!!

Prosperity Tree

A very cute ornament. Is crafted very well. It is on display in my home.

Prosperity Dragon

The prosperity Dragon is handcrafted very well. It is very attractive and has a special place in my home.

I bought the large Rose of Jericho

I ABSOLUTELY LOVE my Rose of Jericho! I did just what they said and I only submerged the roots in what, not the plant! It bloomed out into this big wide green plant that I didn’t know was hiding in there! 😘 It stayed open long too! Then I let it dry out like they said a few days. I’ll water it again this weekend!


Great candle lasted a long time and smells great and pure as well


Stone is a good size and a pretty pink 🩷


Very impressed with the quality of your product will be ordering more items soon

Already gave a good review

I love these candles, the burn time is great and the fragrance is not overwhelming! The calming Effects are wonderful!💯💕🥰❤️


had a hard time trying to make it sing finally got it done like it very much thank you