Black Salt for Spells, Rituals, and Magickal Workings

What is Black Salt?

Black Salt has been used for many centuries for protection, cursing, hexing, banishing and reverse magick. Black salt absorbs negative energies and left over, stagnant vibrations. Negative energies can dull our aura and can even attach to us and to our space, potentially leading to emotions such as depression, lack of motivation, anxiety and other unhealthy habits. Black Salt can also absorb negative energies from your environmental circumstances and is often used in spells and magickal workings to create boundaries, assist with spiritual barriers, and provide protection. Use Black Salt to ward off any negative and psychic energies while protecting yourself or your space. Black Salt can be used alone or as a base for your spell work or ritual work and can be combined with other herbs and essential oils for spell jars.

Black Salt Uses:

  • You can dress a black candle in oil and Black Salt for spell work to banish negative forces or reverse hex's
  • Sprinkle Black Salt around the perimeter of your home or space to keep away unwanted energies or spirits. Pro tip: sprinkle Black Salt in your doorways to keep your space clean from other people's energies as they enter and leave your space
  • Grind up Black Salt using a mortar and pestle and place the powder in anointing oils
  • Energetically cleanse your healing crystals by placing them on top of Black Salt
  • Used in ritual baths to cleanse and purify before or after any magickal workings or spells

If you end up using Black Salt in cursing or hexing workings, remember to dispose of the Black Salt properly so that lingering energies don't stick to you or your environment. You can dispose of Black Salt in the following ways: bury it at a crossroads, toss the contents into moving water such as a river, stream, ocean, or running faucet water, or burn the remains of the Black Salt in a cauldron.


East Meets West USA


Angelica Martinez

Angelica Martinez

I need to keep my ex-in laws from harming me with their negativity and nonsense. Does anyone have a spell for that?

Kimberly  Hulsey

Kimberly Hulsey

Where can I get a couldrun?



where can I get black salt to buy?



Just got black salt thanks



Thankyou . Black salto worked + speed.

Yvette C Vasquez

Yvette C Vasquez

I carry it in a vial with me.



Very helpful for baby witches :)



Can you make black salt



This is so helpful and it was such a simple article also i made some black salt and I think it is working.



Such a simple article to read I love it!



i just bought some black salt for the first time and i’m new on my path of witchcraft. i am also in need of distance and protection from certain individuals and need to keep my boundaries shored up and strong so this was quite the perfect, timely article for me. Thank you!



Loved this article

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